Perfect Bound Book Binding

Perfect Binding and Burst Binding

Perfect binding is the process of glueing the inner pages edges into a combined spine within the cover. It is suitable for light usage, and has the disadvantage that single pages may fall out with a long time with heavy use. It's cost effective and suitable for most book print jobs. Burst binding, on the other hand, has notches or perforations in the spine which allows better penetration by the glue. Another significant advantage is that the spine edge is not milled like the above perfect binding, leaving the signatures intact and reducing the possibility of pages tearing out. That means burst bound book have better strength and durability than perfect bound book.
Perfect binding and burst binding both present well, but are not suitable for heavy wear usages. They are useful for quality periodicals, school yearbooks, light use catalogues and other types of general usage publications. They are normally used for publications of 64 pages or more.

Goliath Print is an average of 35% more cost effective than the competition in Sydney

There's no need to guess on price. If you're looking for a Perfect Bound or PUR Bound soft cover book quote, our dedicated Book Printing Account Managers will look at your details, quantity, trim size, paper type, timeline and etc, and come back to you with a book printing quote and any advice ASAP. Our Book Printing Account Managers can help you determine if print on demand, offset, digital, perfect bound or PUR bound is the right print process for you; and as there in no mimimun quantity, it is, as always, just a matter of what you want.

Interested in the best possible print price for your book printing quote? Complete our Request A Quote form here and we'll email you back a price ASAP.

Self publish your book with the best quality and most cost effective printing service in Australia

Our short run service is ideal for people who want to enter the market and offer an affordable solution for a self-funded publication. On average we’re 35% more cost effective than other printers on small run, self published books; and even though we’re most cost effective, we don’t compromise on quality. It begs the question, then, why are other printers 35% more expensive? We can’t answer that. All we can suggest is that you ask us to quote the same spec as any other printers and see how much you can save on an identical spec book printing quote.



Get in touch today for further information

We provide the highest-quality services across the whole of Australia, reaching all major cities including Adelaide, Perth, Tasmania, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, making us the ideal solution for businesses of every size, hobbyists and anyone who wants the best quality book printing service at the most affordable price. Speak to us today to find out more about what we can do for you. Call our team on 02 8417 2918, or use our request a quote form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Simply enter your book project details and we will provide a fixed price quote for your book printing needs.






book printing and publishing - It's what we do - call now...

If you're interested in how to self-publish your own book, then give us a call and we'll walk you through the process. First, we'll discuss what your needs are, then we'll discuss your book publishing options (paper gsm, size, cover, ISBN and etc). After that, we'll quote your work for type-setting, deisgn and printing in accordence with your book printing need and print specifications. Once you're happy to proceed with the quote, we'll start the book design process, and one of our book designers will create a book print file for you that exceeds all expectations. We'll then let you can go through the




file as many times as you need to proof the book file as required, and once your satisfied that the book file is 100%, we'll then print and deliver your book (printed masterpiece) right to your door.

If you're a budding Sydney author, or even if you're looking to have your existing book re-set for a second or third edition, then please feel free to get in contact with us here at Goliath Print for all your book printing / publishing needs.